Audio – Sách Trung Quốc 247: Mái nhà thân thuộc – Bài 130 – Sản xuất tại Trung Quốc tốt hay không tốt? – Made in China好不好 (Made in China好不好) – Made in China hǎobù hǎo
Chú ý: Đây là tài tiệu đi kèm sách bản cứng Trung Quốc 247: Mái nhà thân thuộc. Tài liệu sẽ có ích và có tác dụng tối đa khi dùng cùng sách bản cứng. Cả nhà có thể xem thêm về sách bản cứng nha!
Giản thể: Made in China好不好
大家好,今天我们来说一说中国制造,Made in China。Made in China的产品随处可见,但是它的质量却一直受到人们的质疑。那Made in China到底好不好?它为什么会变成今天这个样子?
中国被称为“世界工厂”。维基百科上说,全世界民用产品的20%都来自中国,刚好跟中国人占全世界人口的比例差不多。无论是衣服、鞋子,还是电脑、手机,很多产品上面都有Made in China这个标签。慢速中文也是Made in China。
以前,中国的劳动力特别便宜,所以外国的产品在中国生产。但是现在,中国的劳动力不便宜了,外国的订单也越来越少。这个时候,中国的工厂必须生产自己的产品了。以后,Made in China可能会越来越少,但是Designed in China会越来越多。我希望中国的工厂、公司、企业,能够越来越重视设计和产品质量。这样Made in China才能让大家喜欢,同时,中国的设计师和老百姓也会越来越有信心。
Phồn thể: Made in China好不好
大家好,今天我們來說一說中國製造,Made in China。 Made in China的產品隨處可見,但是它的質量卻一直受到人們的質疑。那Made in China到底好不好?它為什麼會變成今天這個樣子?
中國被稱為“世界工廠”。維基百科上說,全世界民用產品的20%都來自中國,剛好跟中國人佔全世界人口的比例差不多。無論是衣服、鞋子,還是電腦、手機,很多產品上面都有Made in China這個標籤。慢速中文也是Made in China。
以前,中國的勞動力特別便宜,所以外國的產品在中國生產。但是現在,中國的勞動力不便宜了,外國的訂單也越來越少。這個時候,中國的工廠必須生產自己的產品了。以後,Made in China可能會越來越少,但是Designed in China會越來越多。我希望中國的工廠、公司、企業,能夠越來越重視設計和產品質量。這樣Made in China才能讓大家喜歡,同時,中國的設計師和老百姓也會越來越有信心。
Pinyin: Made in China hǎobù hǎo
Dàjiā hǎo, jīntiān wǒmen lái shuō yī shuō zhōngguó zhìzào,Made in China.Made in China de chǎnpǐn suíchù kějiàn, dànshì tā de zhìliàng què yīzhí shòudào rénmen de zhíyí. Nà Made in China dàodǐ hǎobù hǎo? Tā wèishéme huì biàn chéng jīntiān zhège yàngzi?
Zhōngguó bèi chēng wèi “shìjiè gōngchǎng”. Wéijī bǎikē shàng shuō, quán shìjiè mínyòng chǎnpǐn de 20%dōu láizì zhōngguó, gānghǎo gēn zhōngguó rén zhàn quán shìjiè rénkǒu de bǐlì chàbùduō. Wúlùn shì yīfú, xiézi, háishì diànnǎo, shǒujī, hěnduō chǎnpǐn shàngmiàn dōu yǒu Made in China zhège biāoqiān. Màn sù zhōngwén yěshì Made in China.
Rúguǒ yòng ōuzhōu de biāozhǔn lái kàn zhòng guó de chǎnpǐn, tāmen de zhìliàng kěnéng bù suàn hěn hǎo. Érqiě, chūkǒu dào guówài de chǎnpǐn yībān bǐ zài guónèi xiāoshòu di chǎnpǐn zhí liàng hǎo yīxiē. Yǒu yīxiē zhōngguó gōngchǎng, tāmen de dì yī mùbiāo jiùshì zhuànqián, dì èr mùbiāo cái shì zuò chū hǎo de chǎnpǐn. Suǒyǐ chǎnpǐn zhǐ zuò dào “kěyǐ yòng” huò “kěyǐ mài” de chéngdù, jiù kěyǐle. Lìngwài, yóuyú shèjì jiàoyù bǐjiào luòhòu, yǒu yīxiē zhōngguó gōngchǎng méiyǒu rènshì dào shèjì de zhòngyào xìng, gèng bù zhīdào yào zūnzhòng biérén de shèjì. Suǒyǐ chūxiànle hěnduō “shānzhài”,“chāoxí” de chǎnpǐn. Dànshì, zhōngguó yěyǒu hěn hǎo de gōngchǎng, tāmen rènzhēn de kāifā chǎnpǐn, zhìzào chǎnpǐn. Píngguǒ de diànnǎo hé shǒujī yěshì zài zhōngguó zhìzào de, zhè jiù shuōmíng zhōngguó yě kěyǐ shēngchǎn gāo zhìliàng de chǎnpǐn.
Yǐqián, zhōngguó de láodònglì tèbié piányí, suǒyǐ wàiguó de chǎnpǐn zài zhōngguó shēngchǎn. Dànshì xiànzài, zhōngguó de láodònglì bù piányíle, wàiguó de dìngdān yě yuè lái yuè shǎo. Zhège shíhòu, zhōngguó de gōngchǎng bìxū shēngchǎn zìjǐ de chǎnpǐnle. Yǐhòu,Made in China kěnéng huì yuè lái yuè shǎo, dànshì Designed in China huì yuè lái yuè duō. Wǒ xīwàng zhōngguó de gōngchǎng, gōngsī, qǐyè, nénggòu yuè lái yuè zhòngshì shèjì hé chǎnpǐn zhí liàng. Zhèyàng Made in China cáinéng ràng dàjiā xǐhuān, tóngshí, zhōngguó de shèjì shī hé lǎobǎixìng yě huì yuè lái yuè yǒu xìnxīn.
English: Made in China good or not?
Hello everyone, today let us talk about ‘made in China’. Goods made in China can be seen everywhere but their quality is continuously called into question (1). So when all is said and done is ‘Made in China’ a good or bad thing? Why has it become the way it is today?
China has been called ‘the world’s factory’. According to wikipedia 20% of goods for non-military use in the entire world come from China. which is just about the same as the proportion of Chinese to the world’s population. Regardless of whether it is clothes and shoes or computers and mobile telephones, many goods carry a label saying ‘Made in China’. ‘Slow-Chinese’ is also ‘Made in China’.
If one looks at Chinese goods using European standards, their quality is possibly not terribly good. Furthermore, products exported abroad are usually a little better in quality than those sold domestically. There are some factories in China whose primary goal is just to make a profit, and manufacturing good products is only a secondary objective. So if the product is made to the level where it “can be used” or “can be sold”, then that’s enough. In addition, owing to design-education being relatively backward, there are some Chinese factories that are yet to realise the importance of design, and in particular they don’t know they should respect the designs of others. As a result many copycat products have appeared. But China also has very good factories which conscientiously develop and manufacture goods. Apple’s computers and mobile phones are also manufactured in China, thus proving that China is capable of producing high-quality goods.
In the past labour in China was especially cheap, so foreign goods were manufactured in China. But now labour in China is no longer cheap and there are less and less orders from abroad. Now Chinese factories must manufacture their own goods so in the future ‘Made in China’ will be seen less and less, while ‘Designed in China’ will be seen more and more. I hope Chinese factories, companies, and enterprises will attach more and more importance to design and quality.
Special Notes:
山寨 – From ‘China in Three Words’ by Yu Hua and Allan H. Barr: “The word here rendered as “copycat” (山寨) originally denoted a mountain hamlet protected by a stockade or other fortifications; later it acquired an extended meaning as a hinterland area, home to the poor. It was also the name once given to the lairs of outlaws and bandits, and the word has continued to have connotations of freedom from official control. In the past few years… the word “copycat” (山寨) has given the word “imitation” a new meaning, and at the same time the limits of the original sense… have been eroded, allowing room for it to acquire additional shades of meaning: counterfeiting, infringements, deviations from the standard, mischief and caricature… It would not be going too far to say that “copycat’ (山寨) has more of an anarchist spirit than any other word in the contemporary Chinese language.”
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– Rober Budzul (
Phần dịch tiếng Việt có trong sách bản cứng: Trung Quốc 247: Mái nhà thân thuộc cả nhà nhé!